Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

Move to....

Hello user,
we are move with our Blog to follow direction.

Thank you for reading here,by
See you soon on our new Blog at wordpress

Samstag, 12. Januar 2008

Protest - Fakeln für die Elbe

Wer am Sonntag Zeit und Interesse hat, kann gern sich für das Unesco Welterbe "Elbtal Dresden" einsetzen und um 17:00 Uhr zu einer Protestaktion einfinden.

Protest agains large projects to be on the river Elbe and his feeders starts on Sunday, the 13.01.2008
The protest starts at 5 p.m. to Dresden and at 7 p.m. burning thousands torchs on the bank

Kamenz - Vulkane in Sachsen

Wer kennt nicht Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - geboren in Kamenz, einer Kleinstadt ca. 30 min entfernt von Dresden.

Neben dem Literaturmuseum bietet das Museum der Westlausitz , Pulsnitzer Strasse 16 vom 01.02.2008 bis 02.11.2008 eine besondere Sonderausstellung für alle kleinen und großen Geologen : "Die Erde knallt" - ein vollständiges Bild der Vulkane Sachsens von ca. 300 Mio Jahren im Karbon.
Bilder, Schautafeln, sowie Hinweise zu geologischen Formationen um Umkreis Dresden lassen jeden kleinen Forscher das Herz hochschlagen.
Bei Experimenten können Besucher Erdplatten kollidieren lassen oder die Explosion eines Vulkanes hervorrufen.

Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß beim Entdecken.

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

Dresden Royal Palace

The New Green Vault - have tickets !
If you would visit and not book before tickets for visiting the Green Vault, you get Tickets there.

Please go there and ask.
You call also +49 351 49 14 20 00

See the tresure collection in our Royal Palace.

Dresden in Winter

Every Wendsday from 6 p.m. to 10.p.m. you can celebrate with other "ski bunnies" and "ski bums"
on one of the famost german rink - the "Rink at Hotel Kempinski".

PURO ON ICE - nice music, cool drinks, rent ice-scating shoes and made your pirouettes.

From our Hostel you take tram Nb. 8 to station "Theaterplatz" and 100 m away you will see the 5 Star Hotel Kempinski.
Entrance via "Bürgergasse" behind the building!

Here some information!

Montag, 7. Januar 2008

Messen von Interesse

Dresdens Messe ist nicht so bekannt wie die Leipziger Messe oder die Messe in Hannover.
Trotzdem sendet unsere Messe kleine Signale in die Welt.
Vielleicht gibt es doch Interessenten, diese zu besuchen.

Das Gelände ist aber vielen bekannt, durch

Kurt Vonnegut - "Slaughterhouse five ", Or, The Children's Crusade: A Duty-dance with Death

Wer es noch nicht gelesen haben sollte, ich empfehle es.

Hier ein paar Tipps für Januar/Februar:
11.01.2008 - "Sachsenkrat"
20.01.2008 - Hallen - Trödel - Sammlermarkt 2008
25.01.2008 - Dresdner ReiseMarkt

15.02.2008 - Erlebnis Modellbahn 2008

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008

Dresden in Winter

Here some photos of the upper new town.

- our cascade in our garden -

New Year Brunch - Photos

Here some photos of our New Year Brunch 2008 - the surprice was successfull...

Non smoking at 01.02.2008

At the 01.02.2008 our Hostel are a Non - Smoking Hostel.
It is not allowed to smoke at the Bar, Restaurant, self - catering kitchen of the Hostel, facilities and not at the rooms in our Hostel.

If we control the rooms and the premises, some body are smoke, the person pay a penalty of 10,00 Euro !!!

Freitag, 4. Januar 2008

Idea of a guest

On the end of 2007 visit us a family, and there offer me a nice idea:

All guest cleaning the room by self, so we can keep the prices, every guest know, what kind of work is it, if the room are verry dirty.

It is a nice idea, but will you as a guest cleaning your room, your bed and facilities, what you used before, that other guest get a perfect accomodation?

At our house, hygiene and cleanliness are the rule, (by self - made)!
Ok - only a idea!

Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2007

Starclub Dresden - 2008 are "beatpol"

One of the oldest club of Dresden get 2008 a new name - it call "beatpol".

Don´t ask me why, but I think, a nice programm you will find at the future there !

Check it out!

New Year - 2008 Welcome

Dear readers and guests,
Christmas 2007 is gone - but 2008 starts !!!

The team of the Hostel Die Boofe and me - Danilo wish all guest of the last 10 years and future guests, they would visit Dresden, a lucky new start in 2008.

We wish peace, freedom, happiness, happy go lucky 366 days, health and many more.

If you plan a trip to Germany, visit Dresden and every body get a warm welcome in our Hostel to Dresden.